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The Limitless Innovation Factory bootcamp devoted to social innovation in the context of building IVAP was the first raining session under the DISCO project. The meeting was full of fruitful discussions, including partners’ openly sharing their best practices and experiences with innovation in and enabled by HEIs!

The aims of the LIMITLESS Innovation Bootcamp were as follows:

  • To increase the innovation and entrepreneurship capacities of the professional and support staff of the European higher education institutions and other project partners;
  • To exchange good practices in innovation and entrepreneurship support among project partners;
  • To exchange ideas for further project collaboration under the proposed Innovation Vision.

During the programme, participants learned about collaborative innovation as a framework for inventing with and for public administration and society in an informal setting inspired by examples from Luxembourg and beyond. Methodologies for innovation labs and social impact measurement were specifically highlighted as practical ways to involve public administrations, people, and other stakeholders in collaborative innovation processes.