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Recruitment for DISCO MOOCs continues in 2024

As part of our project in 2024, we offer two free online courses:

– Innovation and Entrepreneurship

– Fundamentals of Cyber Hygiene for the Academic and Non-Academic Sectors.

More information about the courses and instructions for registering can be found under the Recruitment tab.


Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The course addresses foundational concepts, practical applications, and real-life examples of innovation and entrepreneurship using MOOC-based lectures and activities. Participants develop their ideas from inception to public presentation through online consultation and oversight. By harnessing synergies amongst the participating entities, valuable feedback and mentorship services are provided to improve inclusiveness, diversity, and facilitate access to support. The course offers a future-ready learning environment by providing participants with critical information, skills, and mindsets for sustainable innovation and global business services, benefiting both individual growth and the broader ecosystem.


Fundamentals of Cyber Hygiene for the Academic and Non-Academic Sectors

The aim of this course is to highlight the significance of digital (cyber) hygiene as a new aspect of everyday life.  The course has three components (an introductory survey/quiz, educational materials, and an assessment). It comprises 28 real-life cases that are examined and discussed in detail, along with test questions. The anticipated learning time is 1 hour per day for 2 weeks. It is recommended that 2‒3 cycles be completed within 2 months.