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Summary of the 2024 Pilot Phase Conclusion Event

The 2024 Pilot Phase Conclusion Event, organized by the EIT HEI Initiative and the European Institute of Innovation & Technology, was a significant gathering held in Brussels on June 3-4, 2024. This event brought together key stakeholders and representatives from various innovative projects to discuss the future of higher education and technology in Europe.

The DISCO project had a strong presence at the event, represented by Piotr Kopyciński, Marek Oramus, and Wojciech Sypek from the Krakow University of Economics (KUE), alongside Stephen Wittkopf from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU). Their participation underscored the project’s commitment to fostering collaboration and driving forward-thinking initiatives in education and technology.

Throughout the event, the DISCO team engaged in insightful discussions on how to integrate innovation into higher education, leveraging their experiences and successes from the project. They highlighted the importance of cross-border cooperation and the role of institutional support in nurturing start-ups and fostering a vibrant innovation ecosystem. The event provided a valuable platform for networking, sharing ideas, and setting the stage for future collaborations that will continue to advance the goals of the EIT HEI Initiative and the broader European innovation landscape.